Hotel Chamberlin


Hotel Chamberlin

Scope of Work: Waterproofing, Masonry Restoration, Caulking/Joint Sealing

At this renovation project of the infamous Shleifer Furniture store located on MLK on the East side of Portland, Sawtooth played a vital part in bringing the new up and coming Hotel Chamberlain to life! Our scope to this project was to help Identify weak structural points on the outside exterior brick siding. Our masonry restoration division spot pointed, relayed brick and brick repair on the window lentils.

Our waterproofing / specialty coatings division came in and applied our Hot fluid applied system on the second story courtyard. Our workers also installed Tremco 6100 with power ply root barrier, drain mat and 4 inches of staggered insulation.

Later in the project we brought in our caulkers as an add. We caulked all the stucco to Sheetmetal panel. We used Tremco Dymonic FC in the areas being painted and Spec 1 around the Sheetmetal.


Video: Showing how brittle the buildings brick mortar density is, I wonder how the rest of the building is holding up from when it was first built???